Day Translations, 5th in 2015 Top Ten Reviews for Translation Services

- June 9, 2015
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A provider of translation services, Day Translations, Inc., was recently featured in the 2015 Top Ten Reviews in surprising turn of events. Day Translations ranked 5th in the review for translation services providers. The review gave Day Translations a rate of 8.7/10 as a certified translation services provider that could give clients a quote within ten minutes. In the summary, the reviewers mentioned that Day Translations has an all-inclusive approach, charging a price that is similar to a translation company that is low cost and provides bare bones services yet able to provide clients with translation services that are beyond that of a small language services agency. It means that Day Translations, although offering lower translation rates, is capable of providing a reputable translator, as well as a project manager, a desktop publishing editor and proof reader, offering all translation specialties for big and small projects, just like what major translation companies offer. The only things missing, according to the review are overseas SEO and other translation subsets.

Solid Process for Translation Services

From the reviewers’ point of view, the translation process of Day Translations is quite robust. They found out that a certified translator is assigned to a project, and the translated document will be sent to proofreaders afterwards. Then the content is sent to a desktop publishing professional who will format the document in exactly the same way as the original. A project manager then makes the final check to make sure that everything is accurate and formatted correctly before it gets sent to the client. The reviewers noted that the price range charged by Day Translations for translation services is at the bottom of their own range. Despite this the company has top quality service that makes it a good choice when you need quality translation services.

During their testing, Day Translations delivered on their promise to send a quote within 10 to 15 minutes for translation services and they were surprised at how low the rates were. They said that the project manager assigned to them paid close attention to details when they requested a quote for English to French translation and even inquired if they need the translation into Canadian or European French. In terms of accuracy, the quality of the translation given to them scored even higher than the top three translation companies in their 2015 lineup.

The absence of LISA or ISO certifications pulled the score of Day Translations down. However, the reviewers gave the company points for its many accreditations, including membership in American Translators Association, Arabic Professional Translators Society, the New York Circle of Translators, Asociación Colombiana de Traductores e Intérpretes and the National Association of Judicial Interpreters and Translators.

Top Ten Reviews

Top Ten Reviews, which is one of the online publications of Purch, is a network of digital publications covering many products related to computers, technology, communication, lifestyle, wearables and innovation. The company aims to provide consumers with relevant and up-to-date information to help them make informed decisions before making a purchase. They provide articles written by respected product reviewers, community members and journalists. With their deep understanding of the needs of consumers and knowledge of the latest trends, they are able to provide articles of great value to various audiences and clients.

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