Language as a Powerful Tool Continues to Grow

- January 10, 2013
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There is no doubt whatsoever that language is a very powerful tool. It is a communication system used not only by humans but also by the rest of the members of the animal kingdom. Humans make use words to identify persons, places, things, feelings, ideas and more. Words can be communicated orally, in written form or in sign language.

The power of language

The power of words is immeasurable. One word, not even a whole phrase or sentence, can already affect an individual or even a group of individuals. It can make them act either positively or negatively depending on the prevailing situation. Take for example the words “no,” “stop,” “go,” “ugly,” “kill,” “forgive,” “peace,” and “love.” They are simple words with no more than a few letters, yet they can influence people greatly. The influence of words depends on what the message or intention is behind these words, who are speaking these words, and in what political, social or emotional climate the words are used. Words are more than single letters put together to make a sound. They have symbolic meanings that affect humans in different ways.

Words continue to grow

Language is flexible. It evolves as an answer to the signs of the times. Words in the different lexicons throughout the world continue to multiply each year. A word or phrase can take on a new meaning based on events in human history. The word “net” for instance used to refer to a thing used to catch or snare an animate in inanimate object. Today, the word “net” is sometimes used as a shortcut to the word “Internet.”  Generations of humans each have their own set of words and phrases not common to other generations. The word “texting” is a recent invention. So are the words “burkini,” “couch surfing,” “e-mail,” “metrosexual,” “infotainment,” to name a few.

The global language invasion

English words and computer terms are being used in other languages. Mixing English and another language has given rise to such terms as:

Singlish – Singaporean and English
Franglish – French and English
Greeklish – Greek and English
Chinglish – Chinese and English
Taglish – Pilipino and English
Konglish – Korean and English
Japlish – Japanese and English
Spanglish – Spanish and English
Germlish/Denglish – German and English
Italish – Italian and English
Latvish – Latvian and English

There’s definitely more of these combinations around the world.

    Categories: Languages