New Year’s Resolution: Work Towards a More Productive 2019

- January 9, 2019
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The new year is a time when people think of rebirth or starting anew, which could be the reason why some people think of having New Year’s resolutions. Many resolutions involve the establishment of new habits to help people grow intellectually, physically, socially, emotionally and psychologically. The thing is, coming up with New Year’s resolutions is the easy part. Sticking to it and achieving what you resolved to do can be quite a difficult road to travel, which is why many people abandon their resolutions by the end of the first month of the year and go back to their old ways.

Why do people make New Year’s resolutions?

From past experiences and personal accounts, only about 9% of the people who had resolutions for the new year were able to achieve success. But there is some good news as well. Even if you do not achieve the exact goals that you have planned for the year, there are studies suggesting that the probability for people creating New Year’s resolutions to change their routines and habits increases 10 times compared to those who do not have yearly resolutions.

Why people fail to achieve what they set out to do for the year

Sometimes, failure to achieve their goals for the year stems from having overly ambitious resolutions. But for other people, it can be the opportunity to exercise their willpower to overcome the challenges they are likely to face to achieve their goals for the year.

Therefore, it is essential for people to think about what they want to achieve for the year and have a plan to achieve their goals. You can have as many New Year’s resolutions as you want. The real challenge is to stick to some of the most important goals and follow them through. Otherwise, your New Year’s resolutions would just remain a list that you can recycle year after year.

Our New Year’s Resolutions

The management and staff of Day Translations, Inc. also have several New Year’s resolutions. These are the goals we have set up to achieve this year.

  1. First, we plan to be more dedicated to delivering high-quality services to all our clients.
  2. We continue to learn as we explore new markets overseas and we want to share the knowledge we gain to be an authoritative source on globalization.
  3. We are expanding to China with a new .cn website and we want to increase our presence in this particular market that presents so many opportunities for a variety of language services.
  4. We plan to enhance our brand with new tools and industry innovations to continue providing all our clients with A+ services. We pride ourselves for being a professional translation company.
  5. This year, we’re launching the Day Interpreting mobile app.
  6. As an enterprise and as an individual, we want to grow personally, which will help the company grow as well.
  7. We aim to improve our management standards and marketing services, remain consistent in giving clients high-quality services, and enhance our brand with new technologies without forgetting that the human touch and traditional courtesies should not be forgotten.
  8. We hope to remain stable and organized.
  9. We plan to learn more by attending different conferences.
  10. We are working diligently to provide you with enhanced language services and other key innovations to make Day Translations a global translation company that you can continue to trust and proud to be a part of.

We are happy to share our resolutions and goals for 2019 with you. We at Day Translations, Inc. are thankful and appreciative of all the support and the knowledge you have shared with us through the years.

Things you can do to make your New Year’s resolutions a reality

One of the probable reasons why many people fail to stick to their resolutions could be their lack of planning and motivation. Here are a few tips.

1.     Pick a realistic and specific goal

It is better to concentrate on a concrete goal instead of an ambiguous one. For example, instead of saying that you are ”going to increase revenue this year,” change it to ”hit $5 million in sales this year.” By making it realistic, you can create a plan on how to achieve it within the period that you give yourself. You are presenting a challenge that you know you can overcome with hard work.

2.     Choose one resolution for the year

Many people come up with a list of New Year’s resolutions. But the problem with having so many is that you are presenting several hurdles at once, giving you less time to prepare and plan. So instead of listing so many, choose the most important resolution you want to achieve within the year and work on it.

If you are working with a team, your personal goal can be of great help to the goals of the team. For example, if you are in sales and your resolution is to gain at least five clients each month, it means that your sales department will have 60 new clients by the end of the year, which will be a big boost for the organization.

Focusing your attention on achieving one goal for the year is more achievable and realistic than working on several objectives that would only put a burden on you.

3.     Start working on your goal right away

Careful planning is vital to the successful realization of a goal. Instead of waiting for the last minute, you can set aside time to think of what you want to achieve in the coming year before the previous year ends, as it takes time to plan and change your behavioral patterns.

Instead of saying your resolution aloud, it is better to write it down so it will be easier to create a plan in detail and conversely, easier to keep track of it. Starting early helps you to consider all the options to take to achieve your goal, including how to find solutions to barriers and issues that could detail your road to success.

Knowing what you want to achieve and how you plan to reach it, including working through the obstacles that can bar your path, you are more likely to make things work and realize your New Year’s resolution.

4.    Begin with small steps

You do not have to take big steps or be in a hurry to achieve your resolution for the year. Rather than saying that you are going to increase your brand’s awareness this year, think about increasing your audience share by 10%, for example. When you have a plan and direction, you can start with smaller steps, since you have already determined where you want to go. Introducing small changes into your life, including your work life helps you to be familiar with the new habits, stick to them and increase the chances of success at the end of the year.

5.     Make a new resolution each year

In order to have success with your New Year’s resolution, it is better to come up with a new resolution each year instead of doing the same thing the following year. If you want to achieve what you have set out to do last year but failed to achieve it so you want to extend it in the coming year, it is better to review your successes and failures for that specific resolution.

You might want to make a more detailed plan or change your approach on how to achieve your goal so you can have better results at the end of the year.

6.     Keep in mind that changes undergo a process

It is difficult to suddenly make changes in the habits that you have developed for several years, so if your resolution for the year involves several changes in your lifestyle and work habits, it is essential to realize that it will take more than a few steps for you to be familiar with the new habits.

7.     Get support from people around you

If you are working and the resolution you create is in consonance with the resolutions of the rest of the team, it would be very beneficial to discuss what the resolutions are and get everyone involved in them by getting their support and commitment to make the resolutions a reality.

8.     Review and refresh your motivation

Often, you are full of motivation at the start of the year but the level of motivation and confidence has the tendency to drag by the middle of the year. If this happens, check your resolution and remind yourself of the reasons why you made that specific resolution. It would help to look into your small success and find new sources of inspiration to keep you on track.

9.     Do not be disheartened by small hurdles

Parts of the path to success are some rocky patches that test your resolve and motivation. If at the first obstacle you encounter you are ready to give up, turn things around by not looking at it as a failure but an opportunity to learn.

If you are keeping track of your progress in a diary, put down the vital information about the challenges you have encountered, what caused them and what you did to overcome these stumbling blocks. When you understand the challenges, you will be prepared to face other challenges.

10.     Include rewards in your plans

Encourage yourself and your team to keep working to achieve good results for your resolutions with rewards. Give rewards for every milestone you reach. The rewards do not have to be big. Think of something fun and relevant. When you have reached your goal at the end of the year, plan something bigger for the entire team, but do recognize the individual contributions of team members.

Are you planning your resolutions for 2019?

We understand that working on a resolution and achieving success can be difficult. But like everyone else, you can overcome obstacles to achieve your goal by looking at things positively and objectively. Learn from your mistakes and do not be afraid of failures because they are all part of the process. Make a detailed plan, keep a diary to track your progress, review your plans regularly and introduce changes when needed. Finally, get the support of everyone concerned, as the success of one is going to be the success of many.

Our promise…

We are here for you, our dear clients. As always, we aim to be one of the best translation companies in the world, surpassing our past achievements. We are with you each day, 365 days of the year, to attend to all your translation and interpreting needs wherever you are. Trust us and all our native-speaking translators to keep our promise to continue providing you with excellent services that go beyond translation and interpreting. If you’re in need of language services right now, give us a call at 1-800-969-6853 or send us an email at Contact us.