How to Know If You Need a Professional Transcription Service

- September 18, 2019
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Creating a written version of a recording requires the help of a professional transcription service provider. It is a difficult task, and a professional transcriber should have the right training and the proper tools to complete the work and deliver an accurately written transcription of the recording.

Transcription work applies to various types of recorded materials that need a written edition. Likewise, different professions, industries and organizations require professional transcription services. At one time or another, individuals and groups, such as journalists, law firms, medical institutions, students, educational institutions and researchers may need professional transcription services.

Why Hire a Professional Transcription Service Provider?

When you buy items, you tend to look for the best products that fit your needs and budget. The same is true when it comes to getting a professional transcription. You should hire a professional. Transcription should be handled only by someone who is trained to do the work. He or she should possess fluency in the language of the source material, keen listening skills and the proper computer skills.

If you are not sure why you should hire a professional transcriber, we’re giving you some of the reasons.

1. You get high accuracy level

A professional transcription service provider has experience in transcribing different types of files. Their facility in the source language helps them achieve higher accuracy. With their training and experience, they can use the best method to transcribe the document.

Likewise, transcribers usually have their field of expertise, which means that the transcription company will assign your project to someone knowledgeable about your specific area of business. The specialist who will handle your project will be knowledgeable in the jargon and technical terminology used in your business niche.

2. It is cost-efficient

If you assign the transcription work to your employee who speaks another language, it will cost you more. It will take more time to finish the task due to his or her inexperience. It is challenging to listen and type at the same time. Plus, your employee will have to think in another language, which can complicate the process. Moreover, it will take your employee away from performing his or her regular work, which can affect your daily business process.

On the other hand, if you hire a professional transcriptionist, the person will be paid for the task that he or she knows. The transcriptionist will focus on the work and will finish it on time.

3. They have the training and tools for the job

Professional transcriptionists have the necessary transcribing tools to make their work easier, faster and free from errors. Why wait for your staff to complete the difficult task without any assurance of accuracy when you can hire the right person with the proper tools to accomplish the work faster and with a high degree of accuracy?

Transcriptionists invest in the right software, a headset suitable for listening to audio and video files, a foot pedal (if required) and typing skills to match. Professional transcriptionists are able to differentiate, listen, and understand different speech patterns. They can handle audio and video materials in varying levels of recording quality.

4. Faster turnaround times

With the right equipment, dedication and experience, professional transcribers can finish the work quickly. They can deliver your files at the time you require them. It takes years to gain experience and expertise in transcription. They can focus on the job they are working on without too much distraction. You not only get high-quality transcription; you also get them on or before the agreed time.

5. Your documents will be secure

A professional transcription service provider ensures that your company’s files remain confidential. In the office, some employees are not allowed to access sensitive files. Using your employee to do the transcribing exposes some of your confidential information. So if you want to protect your company’s confidential information, it is better to hire a professional transcription service provider.

Understanding the Need for Professional Transcription Services

Businesses operating in different geographic locations usually conduct meetings online. Several business interactions, such as presentations, workshops and conferences are

typically recorded. In most cases, businesses will need a textual transcript of these business interactions, for posterity or company-wide dissemination.

In the past, a secretary typically attended meetings to take down notes. But sometimes there were circumstances when it was not practical to rely on the minutes of the meeting. With technological developments, it is now more reliable to record business meetings. The recording is in real time, and you do not miss anything that was discussed, agreed on, debated, or requires further actions.

Here are other reasons to help you identify the occasions when you need professional transcription service.

1. Professional audio/video production teams may be called in when the conference or workshop is large-scale, ensuring the high quality of the recording. But on most occasions, the recording of business meetings is done in-house. Thus, the quality of the recording varies due to the acoustics in the meeting room, the distance between the meeting participants, the speech patterns of the speakers (low voice, guttural speech, accents, etc.) and the quality of the recording equipment. Given such variables, it is better to hire a professional transcription service provider than attempt to do the transcribing yourself or assigning the task to one of your employees.

2. You need professional transcription service if you have to send accurate documentation of reports and letters to shareholders, customers and clients.

3. You should hire a professional transcriber when you need transcripts of very important details that should be remembered. You might need an accurate record of issues to be tackled later. It is quicker to find written documents than search for information through an audio or video file.

4. A professional transcriptionist can help you repurpose your digital content such as dictations, podcasts and webinars into learning courses and books that may require further editing or additional writing.

5. You require the help of a professional transcription service occasionally. This means you do not have to hire a full-time employee. Professional transcribers are available to do part-time or contractual work, or you can hire them by the hour.

6. You need transcripts immediately because you have tight deadlines, mainly if you are in the media industry.

7. A professional transcriber can handle different types of recorded files such as WAV, MP3, WMA, AIFF, or AAC formats, which you need to be in .TXT, .DOCX, .DOC or PDF format.

8. You want to reduce workload and response time for voice mails. Your voicemail solution allows you to take in calls outside of regular working hours. But you need to transcribe them so you and your teams can respond to the requests. With the right professional transcription provider, the process will be faster and smoother. Your sales teams or customer service team can quickly sort and respond to the calls needing immediate attention.

9. You need a professional transcription company when you want to reduce your overhead and improve the quality of your service. You get accurate transcriptions and reduce stress. Moreover, you save on training, salaries, and benefits you have to pay when you hire another employee to handle transcription work.

These are just a few of the occasions when you need the services of a transcriptionist. Be sure to hire a transcriber from a professional transcription company. It is your assurance that you are getting high quality and accurate transcripts.

Looking for a Professional Transcription Company? Call Us.

Your search is over. Day Translations, Inc. is a professional transcription company that works with several local and international clients in the U.S. and around the world. Our professional transcriptionists have years of experience in the business. They are native speakers and properly trained. They can handle different subject matters, and they are available 24/7. Our offices are open 365 days of the year, so you can get in touch with us anytime by calling 1-800-969-6853 or sending us an email at Contact us.