The Hispanic Audience: 6 Powerful Concepts to Reach Them

- January 26, 2023
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Updated 2023

When we talk about multicultural marketing, we often think about international audiences. But, in a country as culturally diverse as the United States, sometimes we need to finetune our message and strategy to approach certain demographics. Incorporating a culturally targeted approach is vital both at home and abroad. In today’s article, we’ll look at the best ways to entice and communicate with a Hispanic audience.

In 2020, the US Hispanic population reached a buying power of almost 2 trillion dollars. Taking specific measures to appeal to this growing segment can bring amazing growth to your company. Especially if you’re in a heavily Latino area.

While the number of Hispanic people who speak English fluently and on an everyday basis is growing, ads in Spanish have proven themselves twice as effective in this segment than their counterparts. So, solid Spanish translation services should still have a place in your marketing budget.

But throwing in a couple of words in Spanish is not enough to truly connect with your audience. Let’s take a look at 6 marketing concepts that can work wonders to bring you closer to a Hispanic audience.


Community & Relationships Are Vital to the Hispanic Audience

Family and friends are important to everyone, but Latino cultures tend to celebrate these relationships in a particularly active and flashy way. Link your product to reuniting, sharing, and enjoying a good time with family and friends. Don’t do it only during the holidays, but all year round.

On the other hand, Latino customers give particular importance to reviews and recommendations from family and friends. So, while you can get amazing results through influencer marketing, have in mind that every customer is an influencer to the people in their life. In that sense, offering great post-sales experiences is vital.


Niche Influencers Carry Weight

Connect to Latino influencers and celebrities. Partnering up with niche celebrities can make your brand feel closer than it’d be if you just went for someone who’s universally known. On the other hand, a Latino celebrity will share a common cultural code that can really enrich your marketing message.


Comedy Sells

Don’t be too serious. Poke fun at yourself and be entertaining. If the comedic component will be based on ethnic stereotypes, leave it in the hands of a Latino comedian. Extensive research has shown that Latino people usually react better to stereotype-based comedy when it’s made by a Latino. Otherwise, the joke doesn’t land as well, because it might be unclear to what extent the comedian really believes those stereotypes to be true. 


Show Cultural Appreciation

As Erik Winther Paisley of Global Web Index explained, “ 44% of Hispanics under 35 say they feel more Hispanic now than they did a year ago (when referring to their values, meals and language choices) compared to 40% of the general online Hispanic population.”

Using characteristically Latino imagery in a clever way is vital to conduct a successful campaign — especially when you’re targeting a young audience.


Mobile-Optimized Campaigns

Make sure your website and your digital marketing campaigns are fully responsive. According to the Pew Research Center, 94% of Latinos ages 18 to 29 access the internet through mobile devices. The number lowers to 35% for Latinos over 65, but averages at 80% for all adults.

Originally, the Hispanic population had a faster smartphone adoption rate than their non-Hispanic counterparts. Nowadays, Hispanic people rely heavily on their smartphones for internet access. The reason behind it might be that Hispanic people adopted broadband internet services at a rate far slower than that of their counterparts. It’s also very common for first-generation immigrants to not have consistent access to a landline phone. 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity of delivering mobile-friendly content, whether through native advertisement or through more traditional formats. It’s also worth mentioning that 6 out of 10 Hispanic users pay attention to online ads.


Invest in TV Ads 

As a 2017 Nielsen study showed, Spanish ads in Latino channels have a great ROI potential. But, while the biggest winners in this category are multimillion-dollar companies, small businesses shouldn’t dismiss the power of TV advertisements. As Nielsen itself proposes, “[A] brand doesn’t need to have millions in revenue to be impactful. But rather than focus on short-term ROI, brands and categories that aren’t well known should set up the foundation for long-term potential. And as consumption and sales improve, so should your ROI.”


Every Latino Community Is Different

As an outsider, it’s easy to use stereotypes as a crutch when marketing to certain demographics. Especially if you’re working at a very local level, go beyond the basics and get to know the actual people you’ll be addressing. Is your Hispanic audience composed of mostly millennials and centennials? Are they first-generation or second-generation immigrants? What’s their lifestyle? To which businesses do they gravitate?

Your customers are the heart of your company, so take your time to know them. For deeper insight, you can add a cross-cultural marketing consultant to your team.

    Categories: Culture