Earth Day: A Celebration and Warning of Things to Come

- April 21, 2013
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Happy Earth Day!

In this day and age, there has been quite a remarkable increase in global awareness concerning environmental issues. There are plenty of reasons why so many now seem to put effort and focus on the environment – a good example being global warning. The shocking studies and possible facts regarding the state and future of Mother Nature have certainly scared enough people to act. However, the insincerity of its presentation has left many others completely ignoring the studies and claiming such ‘facts’ as exaggerated beyond measure. While the threat of global warming has indeed succeeded in getting plenty of people all around the world to focus on the environment’s pressing issues, there is one celebrated occasion which has succeeded in raising more environmental awareness than any other reason put together. This momentous occasion is known as Earth Day – and we are celebrating it right at this moment.

An educational celebration

Observed on the 22nd of April ever year, Earth Day focuses primarily on education regarding our environment. Celebrated in over 192 countries all over the world, it is truly one of the most popular celebrations and has succeeded in bringing environmental awareness to an all-time high. Those who celebrate Earth Day in gatherings and schools often have all sorts of activities lined up regarding the environment and its issues, teaching children and adults alike just how fragile our relationship with Mother Earth can be.

Despite the fact however that this day also serves as a warning, these activities are a mix of fun and education, allowing children to take part. This makes Earth Day a light-hearted, educational and grand affair for everyone involved.

Why April 22nd?

Many would likely see fit to ask why Earth Day was given such a date. Originally, the actual (equinoctial) Earth Day occurs around March 20th. This is to precisely mark the March Equinox, which is a short moment in time when the Sun’s center is positioned ‘above’ the equator of the Earth. While not necessarily a time of celebration, many cultures see these equinoxes as a separation of two seasons – the end of one and the start of another.

The reason why Earth Day was given the date of April 22nd was simple. Gaylord Nelson (credited as the creator of the celebration) first chose this date for the sake of convenience concerning how busy students were during a regular school year. In order to properly maximize the amount of people who attended, it had to be on a date where there were no spring breaks, and no exams. This is why the first official Earth Day celebration – which was more of a complete lecture concerning the environment – was observed on April 22nd, 1970.

The effort for an annual event

Did you know that Earth Day was originally only supposed to be celebrated once every ten years? This changed when Bruce Anderson, the lead organizer in New Hampshire in 1990, along with Gaylord Nelson formed the group called Earth Day USA. With the help of thousands of people from all over the world, they succeeded in coordinating the Earth Day event year after year.

A modern environmental crisis

While many of the Earth Day events have focused on environmental issues such as those stated in global warming (evidence of climate change, the rising sea level, and unusual weather events), the year 2012 and 2013 have seen the focus shift to overpopulation. While Earth Day is indeed a time for people to band together and make merry, Nelson as well as many others in the Earth Day groups warn about the growing threat of overpopulation and what the future can bring if it is ignored.

The importance of Earth Day

No matter where or when Earth Day is celebrated (or whether it is celebrated at all), there is simply no denying the fact that Mother Earth needs our utmost attention. Many people speak about saving the Earth, but the truth is that we need to take steps to make it a better place not just for the Earth but also for humanity. Our planet can and will survive without us – this fact cannot be disputed and so long as we take better care of our beautiful home, it will continue to take care of us.

    Categories: General